Saturday, October 10, 2015

In conjunction with TNT Firearms we offer a state of the art computer simulation shooting system.  The in the defensive shooting portion of the system there are 150 scenarios available.  These scenarios are based on real incidents and are interactive.  When used in the instructor mode we provide training in how to handle the aftermath of a shooting.  It is this portion of a shooting that can result in your being arrested, tried, and convicted even though the shoot itself may be been justified.  The way you handled the aftermath compromised your self defense claim. 

Value of laser sights for shooting

In the past few months I have experienced the value of using laser sights on handguns.  In our computer simulation system we can either turn on a laser sight or turn it off.  Using this approach I have been able to verify that the vast majority of people shooting on our system benefit by using the laser aiming option.

In addition in my classes many of my students have been able to use lasers when they shoot my guns as most of them have lasers on them.  I have been successful in turning complete novices into capable defensive shooters in a very short amount of time.  They are able to hit their targets even while incorporating movement while shooting. 

All of my carry guns have lasers and I would not consider carrying a defensive handgun that was not equipped with a laser.